Glendale student suspended after recording teacher saying racial slur


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Oct 11, 2023

Glendale student suspended after recording teacher saying racial slur

The Glendale High School student who shot smartphone video of her teacher saying

The Glendale High School student who shot smartphone video of her teacher saying a racial slur during class said she was suspended Friday for violating district policy.

Mary Walton, a sophomore, said her three-day out-of-school suspension started Friday and she will not be allowed to return to campus until Wednesday.

It was the maximum penalty available for a first-time offense involving "inappropriate use of electronic devices" at the high school level, according to the student handbook.

"I wanted proof that he said it so I could give it to the office and hold him accountable for what he said," she said of the Tuesday incident. "I don't think what he did was right."

Walton said the teacher, who has not been named by the district, used the racial slur "six times in total" — two of which were caught on video — but she is not sure how the topic came up in class.

"I know two of my classmates were talking and he just kind of got in their conversation." Walton recalled. "He said something like 'Why are you allowed to say it and I am not?'"

She said the conversation was "in the middle of class" Tuesday and she shot the 55-second video at 11 a.m.

Initially, the video showed student desks, shoes and backpacks. As the conversation continued, she panned to the front of the classroom to show the teacher — wearing a t-shirt with a large blue "G" for Glendale — as he talked with students.

At that point, the video also showed the face of at least two other students, including a girl who audibly gasped and covered her mouth before asking the teacher: "Why are you saying it?"

The teacher then spotted Walton and told her to "put her phone away" and she replied "no." He then told her to go to the office but stopped short of sending her.

Walton said she immediately texted her mom, Kate Welborn, and sent her the video.

"I first sent it to my mom because he threatened to send me to the office," she said. "Personally I didn't feel like I did anything wrong and I feel like he only threatened to send me there because he knew he was in trouble."

Walton acknowledged that she did not end up taking the video to the office. She also decided against posting it on social media.

"I didn't upload it, I just shared it with one friend," she said. "It spread really, really fast."

More:Glendale High teacher placed on leave as SPS investigates use of racial slur in classroom

Shortly after the incident Tuesday, the teacher was placed on paid administrative leave.

In a message to Glendale employees and families, principal Josh Groves wrote: "We are aware of a Glendale teacher using offensive, derogatory language during class today. A video of the comments is being circulated and we have received several calls from concerned parents. I want you to know that the comments expressed in the video are inappropriate, inexcusable and do not meet the professional standards for Springfield Public Schools employees."

Groves said, in the message, that "appropriate action will be taken" and the district has "zero-tolerance for this type of conduct."

Walton said she was notified about her suspension early Friday before she left home for school.

"I was just confused because I don't know what I did wrong. I feel like if I didn't take the video, he probably would not have been held accountable, like he is right now. So I don't know why I am being punished." she said.

Walton said even with the suspension, she does not regret taking the video. "I'm glad I took it." However, she did not want to answer a question about what punishment the teacher should receive.

The News-Leader reached out to the district about the issue and was told the district cannot comment on student disciplinary issues.

According to the student handbook, students engage in "inappropriate use of electronic devices" if they "record, publish or display audio or visual images of events involving faculty, staff or other students in or around school premises, without approval of school personnel."

Among other things, prohibited conduct includes recording faculty or staff in classrooms, acts of violence, and disruptions in the school environment.

More:At retreat, SPS board members agree to curb smartphone use in meetings, stop interrupting

Welborn, Walton's mother, said she understands why the district has these policies in place, including the one governing appropriate use of electronic devices, but felt this situation was out-of-the ordinary.

"I am not happy. What I told them — I was trying to be very diplomatic — was that I am very disappointed with their decision to punish her for this," said Welborn, who spoke to an assistant principal Friday.

"I said 'I think you need to reconsider the message you are sending to someone.' I feel strongly that she did the right thing and here she is being punished."

She said Glendale had discretion in what discipline it administered in this case. The handbook included a range of options for a first-time violation starting with a conference or detention. "They gave her the maximum."

Welborn said she understands teachers have a tough job and the district does not want to encourage or condone students taking "vigilante" recordings of any slight infraction. But she said this situation was serious and needed to be brought to light.

She added: "What you are tacitly doing is discouraging students from reporting whenever a teacher does something outrageous."

On Saturday, the family hired attorney Natalie T. Hull. Hull told the News-Leader that she plans to issue a "demand letter" Sunday in an effort to get the suspension lifted.

Hull said the family wants Walton to be able to return to classes as soon as Monday. The family is also seeking an apology from the district.

According to Facebook, a protest has been planned for 8 a.m. Monday at the high school.

Claudette Riley covers education for the News-Leader. Email tips and story ideas to [email protected].

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